shortfuts premium features
shortfuts is the original keybind app for the FUT web app. Released back in FIFA 18, shortfuts has been a perennial player in the FUT landscape. The best time to get involved was back in FIFA 18; the second best time is now.
- Assign hotkeys to common actions in the FUT web app (search, buy, list, etc.)
- Get warned when you're searching just a little too fast
- Available in a variety of languages
- Excellent support
- HANDS-FREE BIN (single key to combine search and buy now) shortcut is the best way to quickly snipe a card
- FUT ALERT INTEGRATION provides real-time prices available directly in the web app (not available for PC market)
- RATINGS FILTER allows you to add an additional filter (by rating) in the transfer market
- MORE POWERFUL SNIPING features allow you to use near zero lag
- SNIPING GUARD protects you against sniping undesirable cards
- SNIPING FILTER PRESETS allow you to save and load your favorite filters
- SELECT MOST RECENTLY LISTED CARD gives you the best chance of getting the freshest card
- AUTO SELECT NEXT CARD lets you snipe multiple cards in quick succession
- HIGHLIGHT GOOD DEALS lets you easily find the best cards to buy on the market
- AUTO TAB SWITCH to improve the speed of BPM